Wednesday, June 14, 2006


In keeping with the introspective nature of these past few days, here it goes....

South Korea won the game. I was bit disappointed. Thwarted by the fact that they won the game. They earned 3 points. Korea is Japan’s long time rival and they won, and Japan did not. My dad is in Korea right now and he had the privilege of actually celebrating this victory with thousands of Koreans.

The game this morning was stimulating as well. Spain led Ukraine by 4 goals. I was impressed with Raul’s performance.Without the spontaneity, you loose the game. Could Spain be the new Brazil? They looked more confident and adventurous than any other team so far, with the possible exception of Germany.

Brazil- There is a certain arrogance afoot that presumes that they will win the World cup again. As a consequence, this year, a total astounding result might get us. Who knows who is going to win? It could be very well be Spain.

Those of us, who will be watching this game over the coming weeks, are buoyed by knowledge that this is the world’s biggest sporting event and a positive force for change in the world.

At this time, even the enemies come together. I still remember back in my high school days, every time I wanted to annoy my Japanese friend, I would purposely say, "Are your parents not from Korea?", or would bluntly say, “ You are from Korea right”? Last year’s world cup was hosted jointly by Korea and Japan, an unthinkable alliance between the two countries with a difficult past. Does this mean we can be optimistic of a dream of having a world cup hosted by Palestine and Israel?

On a slight different note, After the NY protest, I will be re-joining the Amnesty group again. Today is my first meeting. I will be involved in the “Justice for Bhopal” group. Prasanna has started to cycle, albeit the hot weather. He seemed to have really enjoyed the company of Shailendra dai last Monday. We had a good time having him for dinner.

I hear roaring thunders. I guess Rain for tonight. Not againnn..

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