Friday, July 07, 2006

Mr Mittal

According to the Forbes magazine, the three richest men in the world are:

1. Bill Gates
2. Warren Buffet
3. Laxmi Mittal

I had the honor of watching the interview of Bill and Warren at Charlie Rose last week. Yesterday I got the chance to watch the interview of the “Mittals.”

I still remember that day, when I was watching the “ Top 10 elegant weddings of the world” at E! and then the name “ Mittal” was ranked number one. I really wondered who this Indian guy was. After doing some research, I was impressed with Mr. Laxmi Mittal's background.

Mittal steel is king of steel market today. It possess a peculiar knowledge of converting non- performing public business and factory into highly profitable steel producing entities. He is famous for his personal spending and is now reported to be the biggest steel tycoon of the world a very much old world business; but his lifestyle from the most expensive home in London to the flamboyant daughters wedding in France ( At the palace of Versaille!) and his India visits are all pretty free flowing- globally. Mittal will now run the Arcelor, Luxembourg European steel champion. When I was in London with my husband in December, my friend Priya also drove us around his house neighbouring Kengiston palace, princess Dianna’s residence and the Nepalese embassy. :)

The interview was just so nice and encouraging. Laxmi Mittal was- very humble and down to earth desapite being one of the richest in the world. Mr. Mittal grew up in Rajastan, India in modest circumstances and simply decided to take up the export end of the family steel business. It was very interesting to find out that he had spent 14 years in Indonesia and that where he “ smelt the success.”

The interviewer asked Mr. Mittal what the word “Money” meant for him?

The interviewer asks - What is money to you?
a- number
b- security
c- power

He humbly replies:

“It is the satisfaction of doing something different and doing it unique. I think this is important than money. There are lots of successful leaders in the world who never earn money. In business there are lot of successful CEOs. They may not be a billionare but they are still successful and I highly respect them. It is not that money makes you successful but it is success that makes you happy.”

The Key word here is that SUCCESS MAKES YOU HAPPY!!

I truly agree with the suggestions he gave to the new generations. He said that there is so much knowledge available today instantly (thanks to the internet!). Knowledge is the key. If you have ambition, if you are focused, if you are committed and if you persevere, then you can do it!

On topic regarding " GOALS," he said-

" I do not set high goals. I set goals as I move along. This way you do not get disappointed if you do not succeed. You always take one step forward and then gain the confident and then move along. Then again, you change you goal. This gives you satisfaction and pleasure.”-Wow!

What can I say! I was just mesmerized by the whole interview. Listening to these sucessful leaders just inspires you and gives you a push! That is why an old edge say,

“Give me 10 knowledgeable people and I will conquer the world." :)


Anonymous said...

According to the Forbes magazine, the three richest men in the world are:

1. Bill Gates
2. Warren Buffet
3. Laxmi Mittal

Obviously, you're wrong right there. The third richest in the world is a Mexican. Check out for yourself -
Opinion is one thing, fact is another.

Anonymous said...

I think this is based on the fact after Mittal took over Arcelor. I might have been wrong. My analysis was strictly based on the interview.Since the interview was taken by the indian, there is a high possibility that she would have just said it. :)

thanks for the site.