Thursday, August 03, 2006


Is there a positive correlation between fabulous weather and good vibes? Take today for example, a beautiful sunny day accompanied by that occasional cool breeze...Well all day, I've been feeling like I have been elevated. Now that I run outside, it has been even more FUN!!

The sun is now setting into a cool evening and I look forward to that walk when the moon shines. If it is the weather, then maybe I am better off moving to a place where only spring and summer exist ? I should say where only SPRING exists. I am not too fond of HOT day like yesterday though!

But then again, I LOVE winter as well. MR D always says that I really have not experienced the real winter like he has in the upstate NY. Regardless of what he says, I like winter and will always do. Mainly the SNOWFALL=) It is true that you cannot run outside and do lot of outdoor activities, but still it is Beautiful!

Snowfall is beautiful, especially when fresh, and the changing colors of leaves is absolutely inspiring and for me they are a direct reflection on life. The cycle of birth and death and rebirth...and how we change in course of all this. I'll try to remember to jot down my feelings the next time it gets cold, which believe me, in just a matter of months.

How was my day today? Another exciting chapter, I would say! We are very much relieved by the fact that we are not moving. We did make a point to look at couple of apartment but nothing appealing as the current one. For past couple of days, or I should say, week, I really was extremely busy with the Apartment hunting procedure. Now, it is all over!!

I just got back from the BBQ. It was organized by Prasanna’s office. It was a mixture of BBQ and GOLF.Pras
had a chance to hit some GOLF!! They were playing nine holes. (Apparently, the game does not get done until the ball gets under the ninth hole. Interesting!! ) He sounded very THRILLED and excited!! ( I mean very very thrilled) Some times I wonder, what does not excite my husband. ( I hope he smiles when he reads this). He is filled with ENERGY and is excited all the time.... well most of the time. His excitement excites me. He showed me around the Golf course which was huggeeeeee. He made me walk for almost 1 mile :) After the short tour, I also got excited about the whole GOLF thing. Is the word excitement contagious?

Anyways, w
e had played Golf couple of years back at the Driving Range in Lexington. AND I think it is time for us to make a trip to that place once again =)


Anonymous said...

Nice picture. Looks like a professional golfer.

Anonymous said...

prasanna's picture looks good. does he really know how to play?

Anonymous said...

beautiful picture.

Anonymous said...

I thouhgt you also played GOLF. Where is your pciture?

Anonymous said...

man, Mr P looks total naive. he's got a long way to go ... except if he's just playing for the sake of being a 'golfer' ... heads down, feets flat, swing from the hip ... tough isn't it?

Anonymous said...

I thought he was Mr D... now what is this Mr P about- :)Well nice picture. Very professional looking picure bro!

Anonymous said...

Haaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!Makes me laugh..trying really hard to be a pro