Sunday, April 22, 2007

Noam Chomsky

Weekend has been busy. Week has been even busier.

I have four presentation lined up for this week. I would say I am 80% done. Still need to work on that latter 20%.

Lots of exciting this has happened to me last couple of days.

The first one.

Professor Noam Chomsky- Mr. Chomsky was at Suffolk Law school giving a talk on “ The US and Middle East relationship.” I was very ecstatic. Ecstatic about meeting the FAMOUS Noam Chomsky. :) I really consider myself lucky for being able to hear him. The policemen outside the audotorium made me feel especial for attending the event.

I have not had chance to read any of his books however, upon hearing him, I am convinced that I will find his views and perspectives very interesting. The talk was very interesting and thought provoking I must say. I learned lots of things I did not know or I was not aware of.

Us supports brutal regime and opposes Democracy”. According to research done by Wall street Journal, this is how most people in Middle East perceive United States.

Later during his talk he gave his analogy on why US would not withdraw troops from Iraq?

What consequences will there be if Iraq is permitted with sovereignty?

US thinks that if they give Iraqis sovereignty then the Shiites in Iraq will improve their relationship with Iran and Saudi and then try to get power … they want Autonomy… Who does not want Autonomy? Is that not a country's soverign immunity??

Another interesting point he raised was about the relationship between US and Saddam Hussein “Saddam attacked the US in gulf and just got away an apology." Professor Chomsky emphasized the fact that US and Britain continued to support "Sadam Hussein " until 1989. I was quite aghast by this statement.

Chomsky is widely known for his political activism, and for his criticism of the foreign policy of the United States and other governments. Having finally able to see the Great Noam Chomsky( and of course shake his hands) was indeed a GREAT experience. I really admire this man for standing up for his views despite all the controversies he is dealing with. You gotta stand up for your right!!!!!!

I am getting tired. I had a long day today. The weather was awesome, again!! However, to my dismay, I could not enjoy a lot.

Pras took me to the famous Ipswich Beach yesterday! Simply fabulous.

I have yet to share my NY experience on Friday. I was in NY for the Amnesty International Human Right demonstration.. The JP Morgan demonstration was the Best Part.


Binod said...

Let us read your expereicnes in NY too.

A said...

2 presentations next week, and here I'm sitting idle.