Friday, July 14, 2006


Have been getting many e-mails =) saying that I should seriously consider “Writing”. To be honest, I have never really been a writer until very recently. When I first saw the whole blog thing, I was just so excited. I really enjoyed reading Paresh dai’s blog and he was the one who gave me the idea of starting my own one and Prasanna has always been very encouraging. :)

I'm not sure what this journal is now. A compulsion, I suppose. This has been a way to keep my memories from fading.Well, when you make a concerted effort to write every day in a blog, then it will have to,by nature, turn to something more personal. Hopefully it will allow you to see what it is like to live life as a student.I am interested in investigating questions of the mind and in my mind. Additionally, it gives me some accountability — which is always good.

Thursday night—nearly bedtime.

So, bleary eyed and not quite fully awake. I just took off my contact lens and writing wearing my glasses. I usually don’t take my lens till I go to bed. Today is different. Truth is, I think my eyes are just too knackered and needs a rest. Having an apt near Mass Ave is havoc. Blaring noises and disruptive horns is what we get. I feel bad for Prasanna who gets woken up early in the morning and comes home all exhausted. Poor thing! I am glad tomorrow is Friday.

I think today is just going to be a snippets. As a rule, I don't make serious posts. It's my genuine belief that almost nothing is sacred and immune from humour, even of the blackest kind.

That being said, I will start with my topic.

Failure----- It is really hard to stand again when you have fallen badly. It's even harder when you're constantly reminded that you fell. It's like a bad dream that won't go away. Only it's worse because you know it's not a dream but a brutal reality that you're facing every hour. I hear the second-hand ticking on the clock, the passing of time that cannot be retrieved no matter the cajoling or bribery. Time is the essence of honesty-because it runs you over whether you adhere to its rules or not. It's hard, but it's not impossible.

I still remember what Laxmi Mittal had said about making goals. He said, “ not to make high goals but change your goals as you move along. This way, even if you fail, you will not get disappointed. But like a wise person once sad, “Nothing lasts forever-not even bad times”.

I went to the library to get "Shaliamar the Clown" from Mr. Rushidie only to find out that it was checked out. Agghhh.. I then went on to look for “The namesake”, by Jhumpa lahiri. Nope, no luck in this one as well. Bit disappointed, I came home with “Satanic Verse”- by Salman Rushidie and 3 movies.

-The Accused
-Lost in translation
-Motorcycle diaries - Finally after 3 attempt!

Promise, I will keep you updated.

Pras got the ticket for Ghulam Ali :) I am estatic. It is my first time.

Good night

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