Friday, July 14, 2006


I am me. I am not setting up to be like any person else. I may admire the symbols, the philosophy, the viewpoints of other persons, but with all due respect, I do not aspire to be like anyone else. How can I? I am me!

Nooo, I take it back....... I am ME but I aspire to become like someone else. The people that we meet throughout the course of our lives mold and shape who we become. Some of those people have such a profound effect on our journey that we honor them by calling them a role model.
I follow my role model and I want to become like that someone sepcial. I am me.. but molded by someone else. I need to change, toughen up and be more productive.I admire those who have a dream and never quit, regardless of how many failures they get. Someday, I want to become like my role model. The role model that I have always admired!

I take my artisitc licence to write words of whatever leaves in my mind. :)

I BELEIVE THAT: If you can not be happy in no-thing….you can not be happy with any-thing.

One more thing I thought about, it deals with vision. Not normal vision but special vision. I am speaking of the underrated art of seeing out of the corner of your eye. You can see things you never saw before, things you would never see normally. There is always that reflection there in the corner of oblivion that somehow reaches you in time to let you notice or warn you of anything at all. Bordering on premonition, you can see things you were not meant to, be granted that one instant of warning before the lightning strikes... its magical, really... so use it while you can, don’t take sight for granted but dont always use it for obvious purposes, trust me.

I have been listening a lot of RAVI SHANKER lately!

Asato ma sat gamaya
Tamaso ma jyotir gamaya
Mrityor ma amritam gamaya
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti

From the false, lead me to the truth
From darkness, lead me to light
From death, lead me to immortality
Om, Peace, Peace, Peace.

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