Thursday, July 27, 2006


So I tilted my head back in the couch and rested my eyes. The scorching sun was unbearable. I am tired. I decided to run this afternoon. My body was feeling bit lethargic… So I ran to the gym in the afternoon 4:00 to be exact. I don't know whether or not that hour of the day would be labeled as Afternoon but oh well. I am happy that my stamina is building up gradually. I ran for 20 min in the treadmill and I did not stop:) I also ran on the way back from the gym.

The swirl of a wind outside my window is so comforting. And sometimes I wonder who controls all the light in the world and why everything is so dim and reddened like the pavement under the streetlight outside my window. The colour does not carry any of the negative connotations of darkness, however, it is JUST there, an irrepressible part of the world that clings and divides and spreads until it covers everything. Even the most beautiful parts of the day. Darkness is knowledge. Light is pleasure. They can never be wholly compatible. interesting isn't it ?!!!

Isn’t it funny how life is so wonderful one second and horrifying ugly the next! Actually, I take it back.It is not funny at all. Cycles- it is all about cycles. Ups and downs. If people would let go of their expectation, I think we would all be lot happier.

This one is just going to be a snippet! I have been jumping from one topic to another for no particular reason. Just been writing whatever popped in my head! This is the beauty of democracy I suppose.

The book reading is going on fine. I am really looking forward to reading “Interpreter of Maladies.” And no, I have no clue what it is about =)

THURSDAY--Back in my college days I used to get very excited about THURSDAYs!! mainly for television reason. I loved watching Freinds, ER, Will and Grace. I seriously cannot even remember the last time I saw ER!!! It has been agesss.. I miss watching APPRENTICE.

One more exciting news: Tomorrow, I am meeting my cousin Debbie after almost 7 years. I saw her last when I was in 11th grade.I am excited!

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