Monday, August 07, 2006

Which one do you pick?

I still quite vividly remember my TOK (Theory of Knowledge) class back in the high school days, 11th grade to be exact. A vase with a rose was put on the table in front of our classroom and everyone was told to make a drawing of it. Upon completing the task, to our surprises, none of our drawing matched. Even though there was only one rose, somehow our drawing looked completely different. Different perspective I suppose. We were then introduced to a word that was complete new to me. It was called “Aesthetic Art.” We all left the classroom feeling like an ARTIST. We all are artists are we not?

What is Art? Artist? Intellectuals?

Some people prefer the artist to the intellectual because the artist relies heavily on sensory satisfaction whereas the intellectual rests upon the cushion of reason and logic. There is therefore a clear –cut division between the two. But, if you ask me, keeping the two apart is really not as simple a division as it may seem.

Intellect equals detachment. Without detachment, it is impossible to comment on the most serious affairs, objectively. But, art cannot afford to be detached. In order to create one has to explore deep into the deepest recesses of the human heart and soul. Because to create is to unravel the mysterious, define the ephemeral and elevate it to the ethereal. And to achieve this, one cannot possibly afford to rely simply on the power of the intellect. It is the senses that seek the pleasure and it is from the senses and takes its many forms.

But, an artist, I believe, is not merely someone who dabbles with colours and sculptures.They are also the master of their own destiny.
Any person, (yup!! that includes you too) who creates and generates creativity in others, is an artist. And while it is true that sensuality is, I think, the most important to an artist, as he/she has to be closely liked with the mundane world of rationale and reason. Because creation stems from the senses and our senses do not feel in a state of vacuum. So, there has to be a balance of both art and intellect in creativity. Afterall, without the intellect, art cannot find a footing and without creativity, how can the intellect thrive?

And so, today I can be not only an artist of ideas originating outside of myself, but indeed an artist of thoughts originating from a deeper consciousness. Feels oddly peaceful. :)

Well, I suppose I have not made as much sense as I intended, but you’re intelligent, aren’t you? You can understand what I mean, can’t you?

Weekend was great!!! The dinner at Thakali residence was great! Thank you Sagar dai and Jasmeen. Sunday, we managed to watch “ The taming of the Shrew” at the Boston Commons. It was simply AMAZING. We had managed to watch “ Much Ado about Nothing” two years back. The Acting was superb. For about 2 hours, we really felt like we were in Italy! I was bit bothered by the cool breeze. Had, I known, I would have been prepared with my jacket. Agghhh.. the Boston weather.. But nonetheless it was a GREAT night!

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