Tuesday, August 08, 2006


I am just sitting in front of the TV and flipping channels. I am not looking for anything in particular; I am simply fumbling with the remote and gazing whatever appears on the so- called television. I think I have found something interesting. It is on PBS--a guy is reading a poem out of a book. I am focusing hard.. but I have failed to understand the poem?

I guess Poetry could be anything. ABSOLUTELY anything!!

Poetry to me is no longer about finding words that rhyme. Poetry could be anything I wanted it to be. It could be fragmented, unbalanced, violent, romantic, ...it could be absolutely anything! By far, Robert Frost is my favourite poet. Some of my friends hate his poetry a lot.Very very surprising. But, I honestly don't really mind it. It isn't about rhyming words, or balanced meters anymore. The moon isn't always the face of a lover...it can just as easily be an eerie backdrop for a barren yew tree.

If a person can read my poetry, like it and not understand what it means, then it makes me happy for I have succeeded in doing what I set out to do- expressing something momentary or fleeting in as expressive and natural a styIe I can find for myself and in the bargain if others do not comprehend it, but like the way it sounds...then yes, I suppose I have been successful in 'finding my voice'...or something to that effect.

Today was a good day. I had a coffee with my friend Prerna at LA Burdick @ Harvard Square. Really nice and funky place to hang out. I’ve also discovered that under normal circumstances, caffeine gives me a pleasant buzz, makes me chatty. Yup! Both Coke and Coffee. Then I bumped into Atul and also got a chance to meet with his mum. What a co-incidence. I really wanted to get the tyre of my bike fixed today. However, only after walking in the scorching sun and dragging the bike breathlessly for almost 15 minutes, I came to realize that the place was closed. Bummer!

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