Wednesday, August 09, 2006


“The sun/moon aspect will fade into insignificance, thanks to the glowing influences of your ruling planet. Basically you’ll be completely magnetic and compelling today, so if there were any emotional hiccups yesterday then today you’ll have the presence of mind to put them right again”

I am a Scorpio and this is what my horoscope said for today. Do I believe in them? Not at all!!

There is always the counter-argument to horoscopes: They are way too vague, tell you nothing that will help predict your specific life circumstances.But, then there are those who believe that having a horoscope can actually make you think about what you are doing during the day. There are those who believe that 'knowing things' does not mean knowing what life will bring, but it means being given a clue, and therefore a hint of how you can react to future situations if they do come up.

Horoscopes are based on the alignment of stars, but even great astrologists admit that this is not a specific science. But then what is astrology good for? Obviously if you get caught up in it too much, you will eradicate your ability to exercise free will. If you do not believe in horoscopes, perhaps there is nothing wrong.

I guess this gives us a chance to seek out the events that are mentioned in the horoscope reading and to gauge our own reactions to them. If we are able to see our own reactions and behaviors more clearly, this introspection is the first step in detecting our faults and correcting them. Horoscopes cannot tell you the events of your future, but maybe they give you the confidence you need to face the day's events with an 'upper hand'.

This is how I see it… oh! well..

Today is “Janaya purnima” back home. We just had Kwati (the nine beans soup) for dinner. The bean came all the way from Kathamandu a year ago. It tasted great!

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