Friday, October 27, 2006

Eventful week

I feel really good right now. The reason – my Statistic class. I just finished my 3 hours long exam and I feel so relived. I don’t know how I did- but I am glad it is over. I try not to dwell on the past; therefore, I have not even taken one glance at my notes. What is done is done. I had studied quite a lot and I am hopeful for a good grade.

I also had another MBA 600 paper due today. After working for extra 3 hours last night I managed to finish that one as well. The two big burdens are now all gone. This explains my days silence— Even though I am contemplating on whether or not to write the blog, I thought about doing it anyways. I just finished my exam and I deserve better than sitting infornt of my laptop in the library right?? However, since I have not updated by blog for almost a week now, I thought about giving a quick update before disappearing in my school zone.

Among myriad of events that have taken place over the last few days, these two are worth noting.

First, the lecture series with Mr. Terry Lundgren, the chairman and the CEO of Federated Department Stores Inc., the parent company of Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s. Yup! He is the big guy behind the acquisition of Filenes and other numerous stores. The exciting thing is that I actually got to shake hands with him. I really enjoyed this talk. Just couple of months ago, there was this big talk about Filene’s at Downtown getting closed and here I was shaking hands with the man who was doing all this. It is quite amazing isn’t it? Under his leadership, they have successfully completed the $11 billion acquisition. The location of the event, Boston Harbour Hotel was amazing. Since this was the breakfast event, we had to get there by 7:30. I had the privilege of enjoying the beautiful sunrise of Boston Harbour at the 7:00 in the morning.

Now I write with great enjoyment about my visit to Michael Porter’s talk. The talk was about his new book, “Redefining the Health Industry.” But more than the talk was the excitement I had in seeing him. I still vividly remember memorizing the Porter’s Five Forces of Model. I had first encountered this topic in my 12th grade in high school and the recent one was just last week – in my MBA 640 class. This concept involves a relationship between competitors within an industry, potential competitors, suppliers, buyers and alternative solutions to the problem being addressed. Very very interesting theory —as interesting as Mr. Porter himself I must say. Currently, Michael Porter is a professor at Harvard Business School. He had power in this voice and had totally taken control of the room. Everyone looked very attuned. One thing that really got my attention was his style. I noticed how much he moved his hands while doing his presentation. Seeing this I felt at ease. Why? I have a habbit of moving my hands when I am doing my presentation and it had really bothered me. However, seeing him do this, I felt relived. If Michael Porter can do it, so can I right!!

Here is another exciting news, I actually made an effort to speak with him and managed to get his business card. I have yet to write to him but this was one heck of an eventful day for me. I still cannot believe I actually met Michael Porter!

These events are the true highlight of my week.

What else----We had a very interesting discussion in my Global Marketing class. Whether or not there was a scope for a GLOBAL currency? I personally say, it is very much possible and attainable. Maybe in next 20-30 years, after all this is all about GOBALIZATION. There is the Euro, which is very much like a global currency in European continent. If this is possible-- with Germany and France in it-- then it is very much possible for the rest of the world!

I have started to read “The Kite Runner,” the long awaited book in my reading list. When Omar, one of my friends mentioned it, I could not resist it anymore. The book is fabulous. It takes me to this whole different world. I am not myself but the character in the book. To me, this is a true escape to the serenity. A really TRUE escape.

It looks beautiful outside. The late afternoon sun is still sparkling on the glasses of the tall building. The weather tomorrow is suppose to be horrible. What can I say; such are the vagaries of life. Off I go-- Cheerio!

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