Friday, January 19, 2007


I see flurries outside the window…but somewhere in the cloud, I see the hidden sun forcing to come out. It succeeds for a sec then again; the cloud envelopes the whole sky in a murky grayish haze.

I am glad it is Friday, and not Monday!

I am working on my Professor’s research today. Lots and Lots of articles to read… some interesting and some not so interesting ones.

I had the “International Law” class yesterday. It seems interesting; however, the work load is not funny. Quite outrageous. Preparing for 4 cases and reading chapters is not going to be fun.

I have started reading The God of Small Things by Arundathi Roy. In the mean time, I am also planning to start Magic Seeds. With the time crunch, it is going to be hard, but this will definitely make a good company for my bus and train ride.

As I was reading the book, I started pondering a bit about LIFE!

I wonder, sometimes, how we keep ourselves above the despair that looms yawningly below us as we tread the fragile bridge of everyday life

This is what I answered myself with --

Find yourself a life worth dreaming of, an adventure you've searched for since you figured out what it was. Let go of the things that have been holding you down. If you have succeeded thus far, despite everything, what you've built will remain. If you have built true, against the odds, it will be here for you always. If it is not, then it was not true, and to tie yourself to it is to cripple you for life. Seek a new life, and leave nothing at all behind. If you would be strong at last. You would be free.

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