Friday, December 16, 2005

Focus and determination - pursue your goal like a tiger would his prey, and don't stop until it is yours

Apprentice is over!! (For those of you who do not know, this is a show, a 13-week interview process ran by Donald Trump, the tycoon of New York City. The 16 contestants are divided into two teams with a team leader. Each group is assigned a particular job and at the end of the day, the loosing team is called into the “ board room,” and the weakest link gets “FIRED. ”)

Apprentice, aside from been exciting is really an educational show. It really depicts a "True,” working world and prepares you with an unseen circumstances. Watching this show, you will grasp how your naiveté and your friendly trait could actually work against you.

At work! You have no friends and CAN actually trust no one. If your company is going to layoff, it is either going to be you or our colleague. You will be alone!

Fight!! Fight!! and Fight!!This is one thing that I learned for sure from this show.

I am a fighter,maybe a 90% fighter. But thanks to my husband!! I have become a real 100% fighter.I reminisce my senior year in college where I got a B in this class. I had worked really hard for it and I deserved an A. I was really appalled when I saw that “B.” Had I not worked for that class, I would have been satisfied with this but the truth was, I had really put an effort for it and deserved nothing other than an A!! I went to my professor and expressed my stance. After our conversation, I realized that it was not going to be an easy ride. I had to fight!! And I did!! I was determined to get an A and was ready to take it to the next level by going to the Admission of Board. However my drive and perseverance paid off!!

I won! I received an A and did not have to go to the Committee. That was a Victory!

(I hope to be able to share a lot of “Sweet Victories” story in my blog in near future!!)

In order to strive in the Business World today!! You need to be a fighter. I was rooting for Rebecca, but somewhere I had a feeling that Randal would win and He DID!! He is a guy with an education background from MIT and OXFORD, and a Rhodes scholar with his own consultancy firm. I guess nothing can beat this combination.

Nonetheless, Rebecca, a 23 year old fighter on the other hand is just not anyone. She broke her ankle in the second week and despite that, she ended up being a finalist. Oodles of applauses to her! She definitely is a role model for lot of women.

I look forward to watching the new "Apprentice" in the spring!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there! I really enjoy reading your blogs. They are very good and inspiring. You deserve big applauses for sharing your views, or let me say, sharing your feelings. I enthusiastically look forward to read more of your blog. Keep blogging for good. God bless you.