Monday, March 20, 2006


Happiness is …relaxing in preparation of impending relaxation.

Had a wonderful weekend. Also well invigorated this morning. I went to the gym and did brisk walk for 40 min and some weights. At this time, I can barely walk. I am assuming I am out of shape AGAIN!!!!

The last two days has been gorgeous. Bit cold but Thank GOD the Sun was out. the days has been BEAUTIFUL. I love being able to go outside without bundling up.. Coats, scarfs, gloves… Not that I have anything against these clothes, mind you, but still. It's a nuisance. Depite the outlook of the day, I nontheless try to dress very warmly. I have learned the lessons on my occasions.

Friday, I was successful in making my first Lasagne. =) Both Prasanna and Sanjay are my alibis. Really, it turned out quite good for the amateur level.

We decided to relax with a movie on Friday night.

Syriana.( Parking played extra favourbaly that night)

What a beautiful movie it was. George Clooney really deserved that Oscar.
The movie has succeded in depecting the role of “ Corruption.” How sometimes, even though you know it is wrong, you do not have any choice but to keep quiet and act like nothing has happened. Yup! It is difficult to do it this way, but that is how how society is molded. While watching this movie, you come across the situation like this in numerous occasions.

This is a definetly a must see movie. You will also get the clear picture of the role of the AMERICAN governmet abroad.

Saturday was very relaxing as well. Spur of the moment, we decided to drive down to Cape Cod, Plymouth to be EXACT. And I am very proud to say that I drove for 3 hours that day. I drove and drove and drove. The place was beautiful and yes, I did see the Stone with 1620 written on it.

That night, we had dinner with Shialendra dai. Initially, we wanted to eat at “ DALI,” the Spanish restaurant but the wait was for almost two hours. As it was so ludicrously improbable to control our hunger; we decided to go to “ Atascia, ” the Portuguese restaurant in Cambridge. Even though, the wait was for about 50 min, along with the GREAT company ( Mr. D and Shailendra dai, the two most gregarious guys =)) and the great ambience, it did not matter a whole lot and the FOOD was simply DELICIOUS.

Sunday was a laid back day. We both headed to the gym and latter in the day, we manged to do little bit of studying. We wanted to go to the St Patrick’s Day parade but really could not be bothered to.

It is cold Monday today. Really windy. I can hear the wind swooshing by my ear.

I just read an article in the Time magazine about the GOOGLE founders. Those guys are impressive. The owner of the $ 100 billion empire that is dominating the internet.. The most fascinating thing is how far they have reached in order to fulfill the needs of their employers. The most surprising thing for me was having a “Salon.” isn’t it.Their stock price has already soared to $475, from $85 and expected to reach $600 at the end of the year. WOW!

Who would have known two ordinary PhD guys from Stanford, now literally conquering the Internet world.

I guess it pays off to become a risk taker.

Is the life of non-riskiness; is the life of fear, sitting at home, and being oh so comfortable really worth a penny?

It's probably worth a lot more in terms of wealth, monetary wealth.

But can it hold a candle to ecstasy ??

On the side note, I am currently flipping through the pages of WSJ (I am tying my best to become an avid reader). “ The case against Vitamins” is the title. I am one of the gobblers of the “ Centrum.” And the motive behind is in a bid to ward off ill wealth.

Let see what this article has to say. I am excited to show this to my hubby who is always tells me to take the supplements =)

So long for now.


Anonymous said...

I am an avid reader of your you ought to pat yourself on the back for being the one writer i bother reading on a regular basis.
from reading your recent blog and many others, i sense that risk taking and actually succeeding at it impresses you. You might even stride for that kind of achievement yourslef... And there is nothing wrong with that,but what is your take on a less riskier yet fulfilling direction in life?? like social work,teaching, medicine... if you have the time and don't mind......please share on this topic next time.

deepti bhattarai dhungel said...

Hi there,
thanks for the wonderful comment. It motivates me even more.
On the side note, I am a RISK taker and loveee taking risks.My husband has been the inspirer
I will definitly share the thoughts.