Friday, August 11, 2006

Carpe Diem

What does Carpe Diem mean?

Carpe diem is a Latin phrase literally meaning "pluck the day" but usually translated as "seize the day". It is often adopted or at least quoted as a personal motto. My personal motto :) The term is also used in as an expression of goodwill. One interpretation of the phrase might be as an existential cautionary term, much like "eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die." Every day opportunities await us and we must decide whether to take the chance or play it safe. Therefore, I encourage you to take the risks, for nothing is gained without them.

Pras is not feeling well today. He woke up early in the morning .. around 5:00 I think and endured two rounds of coughing. Now the coughing is all gone. It is all about headache now. Been sleeping all day with Tylenols. I checked with him a while ago, he says he is feeling better. Nope, no fever- just headache. I really hope he feels better by tomorrow. Tonight, we are planning to go see the new movie “Kabhi Alvida na kahena.” Tomorrow is the BBQ for all the SEBS students.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope he feels better. It is not a season of flue is it?