Monday, September 11, 2006


I am a BUSY BEE :)

We had two classes today. Organizational Behavior and Marketing. Too many groups and too many assignments. Tomorrow is my First official team meeting for our Case Presentation. I have the meeting at 9 in the morning. My class ends at 10:00 at night tomorrow. It will be a longgg day!

Hole in the City's Heart: Five years after Sept. 11, 2001, ground zero remains a sinkhole of good intentions, where conflicting visions have repeatedly stalled efforts to rebuild a site of horrific tragedy. It has been 5 years since that atrocious day. I still remember that day vividly. I was a sophmore in the college. Like any other day, I was getting ready to go to my Accouting class. I had the habbit of listening to music at the MTV channel However, that morning was all different. Instead of listening to regular music I was witnessing the live destruction of the World Trade Center. What a horrific ordeal it was.

It was about the sheer lack of hesitation shown by hundreds of fire fighters as they ran up 100 flights of stairs to save a few people locked inside their offices. And while the office workers ran down, freed, the rescuers continued upward. Now, it is so amazing to see how beautiful and strong the then unborn babies of the fire fighters have become.

Let there be NO VIOLENCE

Peace :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep writing. We enjoying reading your blogs.