Friday, March 02, 2007

March madness

I am sorry. Both for myself and my absence for the extended period of time since my last post---the busy class schedule and tests and write ups is the culprit here.

I got my law test back yesterday. It was Terrible. Its early and late. I did not think it was going to be that bad. I really need to do lot of studying in that class.I’m in that odd state, a mix of shock and disillusion.

Yesterday was a big day for us. Hope everything will work out just fine.

Today is soooo blah and slow and rainy and all that I just want to lie down and sleep. This weekend I have to do lots of studying. Corporate Finance and the Consumer Behaviour case write up.

I have been studying for Finance all day today. Now, I have to get ready for the “networking” event in Boston. I would have been excited to go had it not been this crazy weather. The pouring rain does not motivate me at all. I feel like lying in a couch and watching a movie.

The most remarkable thing happened to me yesterday—I am trying to be very optimistic.

I was on the way to my school.. riding in the T. The train stopped at Central Square. Two Nepali got in the train. One Boy and a girl. The girl sat next to me and the boy stood right in front of her. I was in my usual reading self. I was reading the last intense paragraph of “Gods of Small thing,” looking very serious. I was wearing my black coat had my black scarf wrapped around the neck. There was no-way… no way in the whole wide world that I looked like a Detective.”

However, to that teenage boy, I did. He signaled his friend in Nepali saying Look at that girl sitting next to you. She looks like a Detective. With that black coat and the scarf, she really looks like a serious detective...” He was about to saying something about my nose stud.. and I abruptly interrupted him by saying.. “ I am a Nepali as well… so you really think I look like a detective??..…”

This last statement completely took him by awe. He had no idea what to say next.

This was a funny incident.

When I shared with Pras that evening, he simply laughed and I laughed with him…

Pras had a flue yesterday. It is a flue season again. He is slowly recovering.

I started "Siddhartha" by Herman Hesse.... the writing style is enriched with the beautiful literary terms that I simply mesmerized by. Oh! how I wish, I could write like that.

Familiarity bores me. I hate it that I see things happening, understand the nuances of what goes on, and just accept them.

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