Friday, April 06, 2007

brutal week

Well, it's been quite a week. A hectic and exhausting week. This is by far one of the craziest weeks ever. 4 tests along with an agonizing neck pain (which to my dismay is still lingering around) with an dissapointing outcomes.. The finance test did not go well..

I had my law test yesterday. Unlike last time, I did not study for 4 days, I studied all day yesterday….. from 9:00 am in the morning till 7:00 in the evening.. and I think it went pretty well.... I could answer all the Multiple choice Questions and since the bonus question was on the topic of "Corporate Social Responsibility"..and Bhopal case.. it went well.. I think.... The result will say it all.

It was quite cold this morning. It was another exhausting day for both Pras and I. Running around Boston doing errands was not fun.

It is already Easter this Sunday… Wow… and in about couple of weeks I will be done with my school…

Plans for the weekend.. I plan to take it easy… However, I do need to work on my presentations….. a sigh of relief for all the case write ups.. Thank God.. they are all done... I have the last one for my Information management class this week and the no more!!

So, while a great restructuring is taking place in the mind (as well as the body), I take comfort in the fact that the school will be ending soon .

I have started Inheritance of Loss this morning. Depending on my mood, I plan to do parallel reading between Lolita and Desai’s book.

Right now, at this time, I want to forget about everything.. I mean.. absolutely everything and just relax…Ah! Ignorance is a bliss…

I just finished Watching the movie "DOR"....WHAT a great movie it was.. Simply amazing. This movie was particulary recommended by my mum and I simply.. I mean SIMPLY loved it.. :) It is a compelling movie. IT is on the empowermnet of the weak and oppressed. IT is a beautiful tale of love, loss, freindship, courage and desire to follow your heart!! It is so beleivable and deeply touched. It touched my HEART!!

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