Tuesday, May 15, 2007

back from Germany!

I am back from Germany... it was a great trip but bit hectic one. I wish I had more time to enjoy the cities. Lufthansa, BMW and Adidas's company's visit was really fun and interesting. Little did I know about Adi Dassler, the founder of Adidas ( the word Adidas is the first name of Adi and Das is the first three letters of his last name) yup! All day I dream about sports or something else for that matter has nothing to do with it.. :)

Of all the places, Munich, Frankfurt and Berlin, I really really love Berlin and Munich. The ond historic buildings, the museums and the history is what I liked the most. Food, on the other hand was ok. Too much sausages, snitzels and pretzels... I had really started to miss Rice and Curry and Dal. Wine was fun.. infact, I must admit, we had too much of a wine and pretzel.. I really missed Pras. Since he is the wine lover, he would have really really loved this trip.But, there is always next time.. I look forward to doing this with him again!

The weather was perfect!! Only slight rain in the last few days in Berlin, but other than that it was nice. Yes.. I am all tanned now thanks to the 2 hours of boat tour both in Frankfurt and Berlin.:)

School started from Yesterday ( yikes!! and I already have a case write up due on Monday!!!!) Since the China group are still not back from their seminar, we only had 10 people in our class yesterday. Today, my first class got cancelled and I have another one in couple of hours. As I was going to school yesterday, I was happy to see Park Street's " T" station filled with the sign of " SAVE DARFUR." Oh! how happy I felt.The world is slowly realising the importance of Sudan!!

Weather in Boston is very pleasant as well. I can hear the wind outside. My window rattles a lot in the wind. It's kind of annoying.
I have lot to write but I need to clean the house. My uncle and aunt are coming on Thursday. I am excited and then everyone is coming next week... I have lots and lots of exciting news about my trip. The presentation Fiasco, the Hoffrahause, the wine tasting, the Rhine river cruise and many more.. But for now, I gotta get ready for my class.


Anonymous said...

i cant wait to hear more...i really missed your blog these last couple of days....write soon!!!

Anonymous said...

the scene is very beautiful and so are you!!

Anonymous said...

Its real nice to hear that you had a wonderful time in Germany. I have been to Frankfurt... Its so nice place...

Its raining in Boston today and bit chilly. Otherwise, its not bad...


Anonymous said...

come on Deepti! you haven't written in so long. see how we all miss when you don't write for just a few days?:-)

Anonymous said...

Where are you? Please write